Wednesday, November 18, 2009

From Baku, Arzu Geybullayeva

'Emin and Adnan, two young activist-bloggers earlier detained in Baku, Azerbaijan on charges that many international organizations consider fabricated, were condemned to serve heavy prison terms
A video clip placed on YouTube on 11 November showed a group of young people in Baku, Azerbaijan standing outside of the Sabayil district court shouting “Azadliq (freedom)” and “Ilham, leave our youth alone!” They were protesting the detainment of two popular activists who had been detained.'


Friday, November 13, 2009

IDP's living conditions Azerbaijan

occupying unfinished buildings for more than14years, with pipes hanging from the ceiling, dangerous (or missing) starcases,
and self-built flat creations on the roofsof the buildings


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

new photo from new Baku

EVS in Azerbaijan

ha! and there it is , short photo presentation of the EVS activities and the EVS spare time in Baku
and in the vicinity.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

azeri wedding

at first just the men were dancing

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


bordering with armenia and iran

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


North of Azerbaijan is totally different to BAku.Althoough,
I moved and now I am living in Azneft which is between old city
and the sea and is quite exclusive and very impressive part of Baku,The mountainous conditions of the north atracts my flatmates

Laza --- village situated between 2 hills more than 3000 meters above sea level16 km from Dagestan, very hospitable place, about 200 Lezgi families are living there

LAZA 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Respiri piano per non far rumore
ti addormenti di sera e ti risvegli col sole
sei chiara come un'alba, sei fresca come l'aria.

diventi rossa se qualcuno ti guarda
e sei fantastica quando sei assorta
dai tuoi problemi, dai tuoi pensieri
ti vesti svogliatamente
non metti mai niente che possa attirare attenzione
in particolare, solo per farti guardare,

e con la faccia pulita
cammini per strada mangiando una mela
coi libri di scuola
ti piace studiare non te ne devi vergognare
e quando guardi con quegli occhi grandi
forse un po' troppo sinceri, sinceri
si vede quello che pensi, quello che sogni

e qualche volta i toui pensieri strani
con una mano con una mano ti sfiori
sola dentro la stanza e tutto il mondo fuori

You softly breathe avoiding noise
you fall asleep in the evening & wake with the sun.
You are brigth like dawn, you are fresh like air.

you turn red when someone looks at you
and you are fantastic when you are lost in thought about your problems,
You lazily get dressed,
you never put on something to attract attention or to get winked at.

With your clean face,
you walk on the street eating an apple while carrying your school books.
You like to study,you don’t have to be ashamed about that
When you look with your big eyes,
perhaps they are too honest
cause, through them, your thoughts and dreams can be seen.

Sometimes you have strange thoughts…
you lightly touch yourself with your hand,
you alone in the room and the whole world outside.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Influenced Intuition

February 26, 1992: Khojaly Massacre was the killing of hundreds of ethnic Azerbaijani civilians from the town of Khojaly on 25 February 1992

'According to Human Rights Watch, the tragedy struck when “a large column of residents, accompanied by a few dozen retreating fighters, fled the city as it fell to Armenian forces. As they approached the border with Azerbaijan, they came across an Armenian military post and were cruelly fired upon”.

The Armenian side states that the killings occurred as a result of wartime military operations, and were in part caused by the prevention of the evacuation of town inhabitants by Azerbaijani forces. Armenian government officials asserted that the casualty count, though high, was due to the fact the fleeing retreating defenders in Khojaly had mingled with the civilians and when the Azeri troops shot back, Armenian forces fired upon them, killing both soldier and civilian alike.'

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

evs delays

INTERNATIONAL YOUTH HOUSE Salamazade 72,Ganjlik,az1003 Baku
Project: Advertising

Art project in BAKU everything went to Wolvehampton
September 2009

from ganjlik
bus no 27

project MUHAMMAD

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

home under construction

for everybody sleeping , for everybody falling asleep,and for my nightwatch(those who refuse to sleep at night)

Monday, January 19, 2009

can you see the wind coming?

my father dreamt there was an earthquake here.i said i didnt know anything about it. he couldnt have known about the events with moved my soil and got me into haven. then the devil saw me and send me back. go and serve the Mother girl!

i dont think film piracy is illigal here. there are shops with films which have been realised like one week ago all around the europe .and there are many of them...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


the volunteer has no gender